The iRemember Me system is more than a simple diary or personal journal — although it is that.
ALEXA… what is an ENGRAM?
An engram is a presumed encoding in neural tissue that provides a physical basis for the persistence of memory — a memory trace
iRemember Me is based on the many times during the day we see or do something and say: “I remember when… “; because something triggered a specific memory. We all have them. Psychologists call them memory ENGRAMS – little snippets of memories about one specific thing – persons, places, things, events, etc…
For those of us who are late in life and only now realizing the importance of recapitulation and record-keeping, writing a personal history seems a daunting task.
We could probably begin now keeping a journal of activities as we go along but what about all those “engrams” that keep popping into our heads which will be lost if we don’t record them? Where are they to be recorded? And what if we don’t remember all the specifics about their chronologies?
A Life’s Work
The iRemember Me system began as a project to assist those “in mature years” recall and refresh their minds about life’s accomplishments – and to record them as a legacy for their progeny. Memories can begin to fail; but, reading prior recorded “engrams” can refresh them – make them last – keep them fresh.
Others can assist in the recollections and aid their recording. Memory deficits can be prevented or delayed. Connections can be made. A legacy can persist and endure.
iRemember Me
Simply, the iRemember Me system allows recording of snatches of memories – Engrams – with a date they occurred so they can be listed, printed and recalled as your life has been lived. They can be assigned to the class of memory they are about (i.e., person, place, thing, event etc…)
To assist in creating a “timeline” of one’s many endeavors, the system also allows the recording of “passages” which are like anchors along a life-path where dates are more certain. And which can assist in giving dates or ranges of dates to a memory engram.
For example: “I’m not sure when it happened but it was when I worked at _____. You know, we lived in the _____ house and drove the ______. Before _____ was born.”
Assistance from the PASSAGES date ranges recorded for the work, residence, education periods (and possibly even autos and family birth events) can assist in clarifying and categorizing history in our minds.
Some universal Passage periods have been included already (residence, work, education) and you merely need to make the entries with their dates as they have occurred. However, you have the option to add the names of other periods which are meaningful to your life experience – i.e. cars, pets, vacations – anything upon which you can add dates to anchor periods of your life.